About Me and Making Lemonade

My photo
Greater Columbus, OH, United States
I am a Christian, wife, mom of two lovable boys that have autism, leader of a parent support group and a blogger. The blog and support Group are for parents of exceptional children with Sensory Processing Disorder, ADD, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Behavioral and Developmental Delays, etc. Meetings are held in the Greater Columbus, Ohio area every Wednesday morning at DCBDD in Lewis Center and the first Tuesday of each month at Pediatric Therapy Partners also in Lewis Center.



Children First Counseling - Renee Armstead, LPCC, RPT

Dr. Anne Reckling - Anne Reckling, Psy.D.

Ohio State University, Nisonger Center


Allen Lewis, M.D. - Integrative Pediatrics of Ohio

Phillip DeMio, M.D.

Ali Carine, D.O.


Pediatric Therapy Partners - Occupational, Speech, Sensory Integration and Neurofeedback Therapies

Specialized Speech - Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy

Children First Counseling - Play Therapy, Counseling

Child Therapy - Counseling

Columbus Speech & Hearing Center - Speech-Language and Occupational Therapy, Audiology

Cornerstone Speech Therapy - Speech Therapy

Flourish Therapy of Ohio Therapy clinic that offers Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Social Group Therapy that offers in-home services.  

Easter Seals of Central Ohio

Equi-Valent Riding Center, Inc. - Equine and Social Therapy

We Joy Sing - Music Therapy


Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence

National Autism Association

Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation

TACA Now - Talk About Curing Autism

CHADD - Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
The CHADD of Columbus has meetings at Marburn Academy in Columbus, OH.


Delaware County Board of Developmental Disabilities

Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities

National Autism Association


Buckeye Allergy - Roger Friedman, M.D.


Soodles Bake Shop


Blendon Westerville Little League - Challengers Division

Equi-Valent Riding Center


Public School Systems offer Special Needs programs in their schools as well as Special Needs Preschools.

Alternate Special Needs Schools:

Haugland Learning Center

Marburn Academy

Helping Hands Center

Oakstone Academy


Sylvan Learning Center

The Learning Spectrum

Delaware County Sheriff's Office 740-833-2810   / 
Project Life Saver 740-833-2800
A rapid response partnership designed to save lives and reduce the potential for serious injury for those who wander due to Alzheimer's, Disease, Autism, Down Syndrome, Dementia and other related disorders.  Those enrolled in the program wear a personalized wristband that emits a tracking signal.  If a member is reported missing, Delaware County Sheriff's Deputies will respond and start a search with the mobile locater tracking system.  

ADDitude Magazine - Magazine offering articles, blogs, and tons of information on life with ADD/ADHD.  I have had a member of our support group say that this is the best resource she has found.


1)The Protection and Advocacy (P&A) System and Client Assistance Program (CAP) comprise the nationwide network of congressionally mandated, legally based disability rights agencies. P&A agencies have the authority to provide legal representation and other advocacy services, under all federal and state laws, to all people with disabilities (based on a system of priorities for services). 

Ohio Legal Rights Service
50 West Broad Street, Suite 1400
Columbus, OH 43215-5923 
Phone: 614-466-7264 Voice/TDD \ 800-282-9181 (in state)
Fax: 614-644-1888 
E-Mail: intake@olrs.state.oh.us
Website: http://olrs.ohio.gov

Andrew J. Bonnington Esq.
Attorney at Law
175 South Third Street, Suite 220
Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 356-8400; (866) 631-9996 (fax)
Email: jbonnington | at | hwxlaw.com
Web: http://www.hwxlaw.com
Our firm was founded on the notion that every child deserves a voice. We offer full legal services including Due Process, Expulsion hearings, Juvenile Court matters, IEP/ETR consultations and legal assistance with School bullying issues.

Megan Foley, Esq.
Attorney at Law
471 E. Broad Street, Suite 2001
Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 232-0424; (614) 563-9166; (614) 280-9675 (fax)
Email: lawfoley | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://www.midohiofamilylaw.com
Helping Parents negotiate IEPs that work. Attorney, Child Advocate and Guardian at Law.

Carol J. Holm, Esq.
Attorney at Law
130 West Second St., Suite 1010
Dayton, OH 45402
(937) 226-1973; (937) 228-0520 (fax)
Email: lawholm | at | gmail.com
20 years representing children with special education needs; children suspended or expelled due to behaviors stemming from disabilities; or those who have juvenile court cases.

Emily J. Lewis, Esq.
Attorney at Law
5650 Blazer Parkway
Dublin, OH 43017
(614) 734-6270; (614) 734-7270 (fax)
Email: ejl | at | elewislaw.com
Attorney for special education, disability law, employment, civil rights, bullying, and school discipline matters, practicing since 1984 experience.

James C. Mauro, Esq.Attorney At Law
3095 Scioto Trace Rd.
Columbus, OH 43221
(614) 314-1527
Email: jcmaurolaw | at | gmail.com
Representing individuals with special needs and their families. Engage in school and public agency advocacy with an emphasis on negotiated/mediated settlement of disputes.


  1. Just in case anyone comes across this page in the near future, Total Education Solutions, a customized education and therapeutic service, offers autism support in Columbus; here's some more info: https://www.tesidea.com/services/autism-family-navigation-program/
