About Me and Making Lemonade

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Greater Columbus, OH, United States
I am a Christian, wife, mom of two lovable boys that have autism, leader of a parent support group and a blogger. The blog and support Group are for parents of exceptional children with Sensory Processing Disorder, ADD, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Behavioral and Developmental Delays, etc. Meetings are held in the Greater Columbus, Ohio area every Wednesday morning at DCBDD in Lewis Center and the first Tuesday of each month at Pediatric Therapy Partners also in Lewis Center.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013



 I am so sad to say, that for a while, there will not be a support group meeting on Wednesday mornings or Tuesday evenings.  I have started homeschooling my oldest and will be unable to make the meetings.  This is not the end of Making Lemonade.  I am in the process of making arrangements so that I may have a morning that we can meet.  I will keep you posted.  Please stay in contact through this FB page, email and the blog: 


Lee Anne